

teacher's toolkits

Islamophobia has been an underlying issue in the Ontario school system for years now, and it is time we work together to understand and eradicate this religious discrimination. It is essential that teachers understand the causes and ways Islamophobia can affect students and  be ready to address these issues so that students can flourish socially, personally, and educationally in various school environments. MAC has put together an essential guide for teachers so they can better understand Islam, Islamophobia and ways they can accommodate their Muslim students. This workshop package includes 2 presentations and 1 lesson plan. 2 full explanatory videos about the contents of these presentations can be found here.

1. Support and Consideration for Muslim students

Learning Objectives:

        1. To understand the message of Islam
        2. To understand core Islamic concepts, rituals, and practices
        3. To learn ways you can support Muslim students by accommodating for:
            • Islamic holidays and prayers
            • Dietary restrictions
            • Respectable interactions

To view and download this presentation, click here.

2. Interrupt & Disrupt Implicit Bias, Islamophobia and Microaggressions

Learning Objectives:

        1. To examine myths and misconceptions about Islam and Muslims prevalent in media
        2. To define the meaning of Islamophobia and its consequences
        3. To differentiate between interpersonal and structural/systemic forms of Islamophobia
        4. To identify what constitutes a safe learning environment.

To view and download this presentation, click here.

To view and download the lesson plan for this workshop, click here.

primary & middle school toolkits

Hajj Workshop

While it is important teachers understand core Islamic beliefs and values to prevent and reduce Islamophobia from happening in classrooms, it is equally important for fellow peers and their parents to understand major Muslim practices, like Hajj. This will not only be a small step forward into eliminating Islamophobia within households, but also allow Muslim students to easily and seamlessly socialize with fellow peers outside of the classrooms and practice their faith openly.

Hajj is the holy pilgrimage to Makkah which Muslims make at least once in their lifetime in the Islamic holy month of Dhul-Hijjah (Zhul-hijj-ah), the final month in the Islamic lunar calendar. In 2019, nearly 2.5 million Muslims from around the world attended Hajj.

This package includes 1 workshop lesson plan, and 1 presentation which goes into detail on the origins of Hajj and what you can learn from this holy act. A full video explaining the contents of the presentation can be found here.

Hajj – A Lesson on Inclusivity, Hope & Trust

Learning Objectives:

        1. Understand that Hajj is a pillar of Islam performed by able-bodied Muslims
        2. Understand the historical link between Abrahamic religions through Hajj rituals
        3. To perceive that Hajj shows we should not judge one another by the way we look
        4. Learn about empathy, kindness, hope and trust

To view and download this presentation click here.

To view and download the lesson plan for this workshop, click here.

high school toolkits

Prayer Workshop

It is important for fellow peers and their parents to understand fundamental daily Muslim practices, like the five daily prayers, so that Muslim students and educators can talk, discuss, and practice their faith easily and openly. The five daily prayers are mandatory on Muslims of age according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah (sayings of the Prophet).  Muslims pray at five specific times during the day- before sunrise, when the sun is past its highest point, at late afternoon, right after sunset, and at night. These prayers must be done after making ablution and must be prayed with one’s best intentions.

This package includes 1 lesson plan, and 1 presentation which goes into detail on the importance of prayer in a Muslim’s life and requirements needed for one to pray safely and nicely. For a full video explanation on the contents of this presentation, click here.

Sharing the Muslim Salah (prayer) Experience

Learning Objectives:

          1. To understand the importance of prayers (salah) in Islam.
          2. To understand the need for Muslims to have a safe clean space to complete their required salah.  
          3. To understand that salah is a requirement offered as a means of reflection, redemption and renewal 
          4. To reflect on the actions within the Islamic prayer as an invitation to a personal reflection/meditation session, wherein spirituality and action towards oneself and others is evaluated and harnessed.

To view and download this presentation click here.

To view and download the lesson plan for this workshop, click here.

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